Ive been taking a poetry class. Hooray poems!!

Ive been taking a poetry class. Hooray poems!!

Firstly I have Petrarchan and Shakespearean Sonnets.
Then I took the two poems and mashed them together to make a third creation.


Petrarchan (Italian) Sonnet

A velvet lined mirror reflects a face
worn, weary and leaning toward gaunt
Yet rosy and soft as a cherub could want
A charming pinnacle of the human race
At times she may have tears in her eyes
Tender droplets cascade down the palate
Porcelain cheeks rouged out of habit
Amplifying the beauty of the heart inside

The weight of the world so heavy for most
Can sink the heart of one uninitiated
Into the Love that keeps the heart afloat
walking nimbly through life uninhibited

Compassion is a quality she can boast
A flavor of love both wild and deliberated
That wrings sweet music from the morose
And keeps her days both luscious and invigorated

Shakespearean (English) Sonnet

Infinity shaken to the core
Resistant to ephemeral societal collapse
Comes the soldier home from war
To align the future with the past

Decay and death, loss and remorse
Shade the color of the eye
What was once steady and on course
Becomes sand scattered beneath the sky

Consequences of actions never are clear
Call on the courage to look back and pray
Request forgiveness for injustice far and near
rebirth your heart into the fray

It is in compassion that wisdom is met
Practice peace to balance violence’s debt


A velvet lined mirror reflects a face
Infinity shaken to the core
worn, weary and leaning toward gaunt
Resistant to ephemeral societal collapse
Then rosy and soft as a cherub could want
Comes the soldier home from war
A charming pinnacle of the human race
to align the future with the past

at times she may have tears in her eyes
Decay and death, loss and remorse
Tender droplets cascade down her palate
Shade the color of the eye
Porcelain cheeks rouged out of habit
What was once steady and on course
amplifying the beauty on the heart inside
Becomes sand scattered beneath the sky

The weight of the world so heavy for most
Consequences of action never are clear
Can sink the heart of one uninitiated
Call on the courage to look back and pray
Into the Love that keeps the heart afloat
Request forgiveness for injustice far and near
walking nimbly through life uninhibited
rebirth your heart into the fray

Compassion is a quality she can boast
A flavor of love both wild and deliberated
That wrings sweet music from the morose
And keeps her days both luscious and invigorated
It is in compassion that wisdom is met
Practice peace to balance violence’s debt

Thanks to the delightful Eric Kenron for sending me frameworks to follow.

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